Installation of Bro Alex Slater

Brethren, Ladies and Guests at the Installation of Bro Alex Slater

On Saturday 16 March 2024, brethren, ladies and guests met at Freemasons Melbourne for the Installation of Bro Alex Slater into the Master's Chair at Melbourne St Clair Reunion Lodge. The ceremony was brilliantly conducted by the Grand Master MW Bro Anthony Bucca and the 2023-24 Grand Lodge Ceremonial Team.

Recognised on the day was the efforts of the past team of Melbourne St Clair Reunion Lodge under the Mastership of W Bro Dimitri Karanikas, who guided the lodge lovingly, warmly and faithfully for three years running. The lodge thanks Dimitri for his immense support and especially picking up the pieces after COVID. The lodge has a great history and the previous team will be well remembered for years to come.

The WM's Masonic roots belong to Canberra and it was an absolute pleasure to have a 'bit of a Canberra takeover' with every Canberra lodge (including Queanbeyan) represented on the day. An emotional event, indeed and the efforts of our Canberra Masonic Friends to make the weekend that extra special are truly remarkable. Thank you once again on behalf of the lodge and the WM, Alex.

W Bro Dimitri Karanikas with the new WM, Bro Alex Slater and his father in the middle, VW Bro David Slater
A number of Canberra Freemasons, RW Bro Percy Fleming, VW Bro Harry Hepburn, VW Bro David Slater, RW Bro Graeme Moller, RW Graham Davies, RW Bro Geoff Ludowyk and VW Bro Ken Rowland, who are also Grand Lodge Officers, standing with our Grand Master, MW Bro Anthony Bucca (four from the right) and our Grand DC, VW Bro Harry Blatt (on the left)

Of the 100 Freemasons who attended, 18 were from Canberra, 3 were Entered Apprentices (first level) and 11 were Master Masons (third level). A majority have already been installed as Master and could sit through the ceremony. It was a beautiful sight to see the lodge room full, even if the WM, Alex, as an architect was not able to get the number of seats right, our Grand Master alluded to!

This installation was what we call an 'Open Investiture', here in Victoria, where partway through the ceremony, ladies and guests are invited into the lodge room. The Master's family was also present and apart from his father, David, entered with guests and ladies. In total there were 46 guests who were not Freemasons and from the feedback (especially from those who have not had the privilege to see an Open Investiture) was so positive, it bodes well for Freemasonry in Victoria to continue to open its doors to ladies and guests. We're proud of what we do and we're proud of improving ourselves every day to give the best we can to our non-masonic communities as much as our masonic communities.

Of the masonic visitors, there were 41 lodges represented across Victoria, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. It looks like there are a lot of return visits the lodge and Master need to make through the ensuing year (trust us, we will do the best we can). For those who were unfortunately unable to make it, a total of 71 apologies were received and recorded.

Alex is a 4th generation Freemason and is proud to have been invested with the apron which has been worn by all 4 generations who have all been Masters at some point. A special touch and greatly respected tradition.


The entry of the MW Grand Master along with the 2023-24 Grand Ceremonial Team in formation
The MW Grand Master, MW Bro Anthony Bucca congratulating the Worshipful Master, W Bro Alex Slater
During the ceremony, there is a particular address which is presented to the new Worshipful Master. It was a particular highlight on this occasion as the father of the Worshipful Master was able to present this address to his son. Something the WM will not forget.
The MW Grand Master, MW Bro Anthony Bucca presenting W Bro Dimitri Karanikas, our Immediate Past Master with his Past-Master's Jewel

After the installation ceremony all adjourned to 'The South', the place where Freemasons rest and refresh (pretty much eat and drink and be merry), there the party continued well into the night. A Greek style meal (yes, that's possible for a Scottish, come Victorian, English lodge) was served as well as the usual formalities of toasts and responses. Oh, there was also a dance floor, which some people made use of later on in the evening.

Of particular note was the method used to draw a prize for charity. The Master requested that no raffle be taken, however a draw should be completed and each person drawn from the hat would recommend a charity to give a donation to (from the proceeds of the night). Each winner chose the Master's charity, which added $1,000 to the kitty for For Change Co.

All in all, Melbourne St Clair Reunion Lodge No. 17 cannot be more thankful to the Victorian Masonic community for the reception it received at its annual installation ceremony. The cheer, pride and dedication the incoming team is empowered with has only been encouraged by the efforts of so many who made the ceremony the success it was. Thank you so, so much.

Below are some selected images from the festivities after the ceremony.

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