Upcoming Meetings Details

Below is a list of meetings and bookings: Please select one meeting per booking form entry and book for each meeting you would like to attend.

  • Monday 17/03, Installation of W Bro Alex Slater (second term), Tyling at 6:30pm
  • Monday 21/04, Second Degree, Bro SL, Tyling at 7:15pm
  • Monday 19/05, Third Degree, Bro AG, Tyling at 7:15pm
  • Monday 16/06, First Degree, Candidate TBC at 7:15pm

All meetings held at Freemasons Melbourne, Level 1, 288 Victoria Parade EAST MELBOURNE VIC 3002.

Any fundraising from our Souths generally goes to the Master's charity of choice, For Change Co. More information about why the WM supports For Change Co is available here.

We look forward to welcoming you into our lodge meetings. Please bring friends and family, non-masons are most welcome to attend the South from around 9:15-9:30pm on most nights. Sometimes a Third Degree is longer with the South starting at 9:45pm.

Meeting Booking

Please find a booking form below to book your ticket to the South. Please make a booking per meeting by selecting the meeting on the form. We filter out payments per meeting. If there are any issues, please provide feedback to secretary@mscr17.online or wm@mscr17.online

The form allows you and your guests to book for upcoming meetings (one at a time) and pay by credit/debit card.

Booking Form

The Melbourne St Clair Reunion Lodge does not collect any credit/debit card details. Our payment gateway is Stripe and the details we receive from the form above link us to a Stripe transaction and card details only show the last 4 digits of the card number and an expiry date.  More information about the data which Stripe collects is available here.
© 2025 Melbourne St Clair Reunion Lodge No. 17
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