Pudding Orders Closed

Current Donation Total to For Change Co. from Pudding for Change is $1,458.88!

Pudding for Change

This year, Melbourne St Clair Reunion Lodge is running a Pudding Drive for For Change Co as part of our fundraising towards our goal (you can also read more about For Change Co at that link).

The values which For Change Co has as an organisation align very closely with the values our Master has in supporting with a hand up over a hand out and this opportunity to fundraise for an organisation which uses hospitality as a tool for good by using hospitality as a tool to fundraise. The two working together in synergy to be able to give a deliscious treat to someone this Christmas time and support an organisation that gives back so much.

So why not jump on board and order some pudding?

I want Pudding now. How do I order?

There are a couple of ways you can order. You can either:

  1. Fill out the online form below and pay by credit card or,
  2. Download the print version of the order form (below) and send it to our Master at wm@mscr17.online you can then pay via EFT when we send you the details.

Below you will also find a poster you can print and put on your local notice board to help us spread the word. The drive is likely to run until the end of November (we may be able to push a bit further, though please e-mail through if you are ordering late).

Please allow 4 weeks for your order to be collected. Ideally we would love it if you could visit us at our December meeting (16th December at around 9:15pm at 288 Victoria Parade, EAST MELBOURNE for dinner, or for collection only, between 6pm and 7pm) however, if you cannot make this date, please indicate and we're sure to drop-off (or post) your order to you.

If you want to join us for a late dinner (our South) or are a Freemason and want to join our final meeting for the year, please book here: https://mscr17.online/meeting-booking/

Orders Closed

Orders for Pudding for Change have now closed. Thank you for looking into this initiative. We will be in touch with you shortly if you have ordered puddings. If you have any questions, please e-mail our Master, Alex at: wm@mscr17.online
© 2025 Melbourne St Clair Reunion Lodge No. 17
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